The Real Dirt published in Sustain

My original TNOC article The Real Dirt on Urban Compost got republished in the Spring/Summer 2017 Zero Waste issue of Sustain, the Kentucky Institute for the Environment and Sustainable Development’s journal of environmental and sustainability issues. My article...

Article about Medellin in Yes Magazine

I’m really psyched with the job YES! Magazine has done with my feature article about Medellín, Colombia in their current Winter 2015 cities issue. It’s online now, but if you can, please pick up a copy at your local news stand or bookstore (if you still...

Interview with ecocity pioneer Richard Register

Permaculture UK has the first part of an interview I did with Richard Register, founder of the Ecocity Builders, last December. Ecocities: using creativity to express our future urban needs This one is about the important role creative expression has in designing...

Fueling the Co-op movement!

The Spring 2013 issue of Yes! Magazine is now available online, including my piece, 6 Ways to Fuel the Cooperative Takeover. The whole issue is dedicated to scaling up the cooperative movement and well worth a read. Personally, I enjoy reading the hardcopy on the...