My article Business for Good that reports on the new movement to create benefit corporations, where companies can strive to be not the best in but the best for the world, just came out in the July/August issue of Resurgence Magazine.

I got to talk with Jay Coen Gilbert, co-founder of B Lab and one of the driving forces behind the B Corporation movement. In the time it took Resurgence to edit and print the article, two more states — SC and LA!!! — adopted Benefit Corporation legislation, and one more — IL — to follow soon. It may not seem like it, but the times they are changing!

January 3, 2012: California becomes the sixth state to adopt law that allows the formation of corporations whose main purpose isn’t to make money. Assembly member Huffman (left) and Patagonia Founder Yvon Chouinard (middle), greeted by B Lab’s co-founder Jay Coen Gilbert (right). Photo by the Debra Baida.