some hopeful news

If you care about the environment, it’s easy to get frustrated these days. No matter how hard you try to be part of the solution — from personal choices like growing your own food or ditching your car, to signing petitions, becoming involved in community projects, or...

The Heat is on Chevron

After YES! Magazine published my article Chevron Pollutes, Here’s What the People Did Back last week about two actions this summer to bring attention to a multitude of the oil giant’s toxic transgressions, it was re-posted yesterday in Common Dreams. Read...

Nantes — City of Wonder

The host of this year’s Ecocity World Summit, Nantes has shown the way of using art to build a culture of resilience. My article Lessons for building an ecocity culture in the Matador Travel Network introduces Nantes, Ecocity 2013, and my role in it, while...

Interview with Bay Nature Magazine

Bay Nature Magazine did an article about Sunday’s Forward on Climate rally in SF, in which they used some of my quotes. I’ll just re-quote myself: 😉 “It’s nice to have something positive to rally around for once,” says Sven Eberlein, a San Francisco-based...